146 research outputs found

    Propuesta de un diseño de estación de monitorización en tiempo real: implementación y rendimiento en diferentes condiciones ambientales

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    With the aim of creating a real-time monitoring network for both oceanographic and meteorological data, a monitoring station conceptual design was developed. A common framework for software and electronics was adapted to different environmental conditions using two buoy approaches: one intended for oceanic waters, to be moored up to 30-40 m depth, where waves are the critical design factor, and one for continental waters (rivers, lakes and the inner part of estuaries), where currents are the critical design factor. When structures such as bridges are present in the area, the monitoring station can be installed on these structures, thus reducing its impact and increasing safety. In this paper, the design, implementation, operation and performance of these stations are described. A reliability index is calculated for the longest time series of the three related deployment options on the Galician coast: Cíes (oceanic buoy in front of the Ría de Vigo), Catoira (continental buoy in the Ulla river) and Cortegada (installation in a bed in the Ría de Arousa).Con el fin de crear una red de monitorización en tiempo real de variables tanto oceanográficas como meteorológicas, se ha desarrollado el diseño conceptual de una estación de monitorización. Este diseño común de electrónica y programación se ha adaptado a las diferentes condiciones ambientales del medio empleando dos tipos diferentes de boya: uno para aguas oceánicas, que puede ser fondeado hasta 30-40 m de profundidad, donde el oleaje es el factor crítico a tener en cuenta para su diseño, y otro para aguas continentales (ríos, lagos o incluso para la parte interior de estuarios), donde las corrientes son el principal elemento ambiental que ha de ser considerado. Asimismo, cuando existen estructuras en el medio, como puentes, esta estación puede ser instalada sobre dichas estructuras, reduciendo así su impacto e incrementando la seguridad. En este trabajo se describen el diseño, implementación, operación y funcionamiento de esta estación. También se calcula el índice de éxito en las series temporales más largas de cada una de las tres posibles ubicaciones descritas en la costa gallega: Cíes (boya oceánica frente a la Ría de Vigo), Catoira (boya continental en el río Ulla) y Cortegada (instalada en una batea en la Ría de Arousa)

    Environmental regeneration in the surroundings of Cabío beach

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    [Resumen:] La zona de las Rías Baixas ha ganado un gran número de visitantes en los últimos años; una de las playas que ha visto crecer la demanda para su disfrute es la playa de Cabío, en A Pobra do Caramiñal. Por ello, con este proyecto, se plantea la regeneración ambiental de la playa de Cabío, mejorando tanto las plazas y zonas de aparcamiento como el paseo existente, haciéndolo más atractivo y cómodo para sus usuarios.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ETSECCP). Enxeñaría de Obras Públicas. Curso 2021/202

    Modelling the deep-chlorophyll maximum: A coupled physical-biological approach

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    The Deep Chlorophyll Maximum (DCM) is simulated in two oligotrophic regions (SW Sargasso Sea and NW Mediterranean) using a physical/biological model that couples an upper ocean turbulent model to a nutrient/phytoplankton model. The biological model considers two types of primary producers, heterotrophs and atmospheric in addition to internal nitrate inputs. Model results appear to adequately reproduce the DCM structure in those regions. The DCM depth and magnitude is mainly determined by the vertical eddy diffusion and light extinction. The grazing parameters mainly affect the intensity of the DCM. This suggest the DCM is primarily the result of a balance between upward nutrient flux and light field characteristics. Consequently, the regenerated production only plays a secondary role

    La comunicación como factor clave en la implantación de la responsabilidad social corporativa: el caso de Crédit Agricole España

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    This paper considers the role of communication in the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a vital management system for achieving advantages and motivation in employees. The paper also highlights the relevant functions assumed by information professionals to overcome communication deficiencies and lack of knowledge about these relatively new areas of responsibility. A case study of Crédit Agricole España (CAE) is presented, with results that highlight the importance of all the communication-related aspects of implementing CSR

    Lateness minimization with Tabu search for job shop scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup times

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    We tackle the job shop scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup times and maximum lateness minimization by means of a tabu search algorithm. We start by defining a disjunctive model for this problem, which allows us to study some properties of the problem. Using these properties we define a new local search neighborhood structure, which is then incorporated into the proposed tabu search algorithm. To assess the performance of this algorithm, we present the results of an extensive experimental study, including an analysis of the tabu search algorithm under different running conditions and a comparison with the state-of-the-art algorithms. The experiments are performed across two sets of conventional benchmarks with 960 and 17 instances respectively. The results demonstrate that the proposed tabu search algorithm is superior to the state-of-the-art methods both in quality and stability. In particular, our algorithm establishes new best solutions for 817 of the 960 instances of the first set and reaches the best known solutions in 16 of the 17 instances of the second se

    SPOT and GPRS drifting buoys for HF Radar calibration

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    Traditional drifting buoys have been designed to measure the surface currents at a nominal depth of 15m with drogues of 6m height. Herein, in order to assess the performance of HF Radars two designs of Lagrangian drifting buoys have been developed and targeted to provide the vertically averaged velocity of the currents in the frst 2 and 0.5 meters of the water column. These are the layer heights of the HF Radars of RAIA observatory. The buoys were made with standard materials and of-the-shelf electronics, to keep costs as low as possible.Peer Reviewe

    A DNA damage repair gene-associated signature predicts responses of patients with advanced soft-tissue sarcoma to treatment with trabectedin

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    Signatura genètica; Biomarcadors predictius; TrabectedinaFirma genética; Biomarcadores predictivos; TrabectedinaGene signature; Predictive biomarkers; TrabectedinPredictive biomarkers of trabectedin represent an unmet need in advanced soft-tissue sarcomas (STS). DNA damage repair (DDR) genes, involved in homologous recombination or nucleotide excision repair, had been previously described as biomarkers of trabectedin resistance or sensitivity, respectively. The majority of these studies only focused on specific factors (ERCC1, ERCC5, and BRCA1) and did not evaluate several other DDR-related genes that could have a relevant role for trabectedin efficacy. In this retrospective translational study, 118 genes involved in DDR were evaluated to determine, by transcriptomics, a predictive gene signature of trabectedin efficacy. A six-gene predictive signature of trabectedin efficacy was built in a series of 139 tumor samples from patients with advanced STS. Patients in the high-risk gene signature group showed a significantly worse progression-free survival compared with patients in the low-risk group (2.1 vs 6.0 months, respectively). Differential gene expression analysis defined new potential predictive biomarkers of trabectedin sensitivity (PARP3 and CCNH) or resistance (DNAJB11 and PARP1). Our study identified a new gene signature that significantly predicts patients with higher probability to respond to treatment with trabectedin. Targeting some genes of this signature emerges as a potential strategy to enhance trabectedin efficacy.This study was funded by the Spanish Group for Research on Sarcoma (GEIS) and partially by PharmaMar. The authors would like to thank the GEIS data center for data management. The authors also thank the donors and the Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío—Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla Biobank (Andalusian Public Health System Biobank and ISCIII-Red de Biobancos PT17/0015/0041) for part of the human specimens used in this study. David S. Moura is recipient of a Sara Borrell postdoctoral fellowship funded by the National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) (CD20/00155)

    Model type II regression for lagrangian validation of HF radar velocities in the NW Iberian Peninsula

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    Two designs of lagrangian low-cost drifting buoys have been developed in order to monitor the ocean surface dynamics in the North-west Iberian Peninsula and provide ground-truth observations that can be used to assess the performance of High Frequency (HF) Radars of RAIA observatory from 2020 to 2022. Since regression model type I, which is typically used in buoy-HF radar antennas validations, does not consider the presence of errors in the observations from both instruments, regression model type II was proposed to instrument intercomparison. Furthermore, a new metric was developed to better assess both model types regressions in lagrangian validations.Peer Reviewe

    Software ScratchJr como recurso pedagógico para la consolidación de nociones espaciales en Educación Infantil

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    Con el transcurso del tiempo, las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación han ido tomando mayor protagonismo en la Educación Infantil, nivel en el que los niños desarrollan habilidades esenciales para aspectos de su vida académica, personal y social, es entonces que las metodologías y estrategias de enseñanza deben ser repensadas para motivar y provocar interés en los educandos, en tal virtud la programación infantil es un recurso que permite adquirir conocimientos de forma lúdica y creativa. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la incidencia del software ScratchJr en la consolidación de las nociones espaciales en niños de 5 y 6 años. La investigación es cuantitativa con un diseño no experimental y de alcance descriptivo; la recopilación de datos se realizó mediante la aplicación del Test de Conceptos Básicos- Tercera Edición Boehm-3 en dos fases (pre y post) en el curso virtual “SCRATCH KIDS”. Los resultados post test muestran la incidencia positiva del software dentro del ámbito lógico matemático para afianzar la comprensión de nociones espaciales empleando el aprendizaje de programación infantil. Se concluye que la media general con respecto a los valores obtenidos en el pretest aumentó 2 puntos recalcando que las nociones de lateralidad siguen siendo las más complejas de adquirir a esta edad.PALABRAS CLAVE: Programación; educación infantil; ScratchJr; lógica matemática; pandemia.ScratchJr software as a pedagogical resource for the consolidation of spatial notions in Early Childhood Education ABSTRACTAs time goes by, information and communication technologies are gaining more prominence in early childhood education, a level in which children must develop essential skills for aspects of their academic, personal, and social life, it is then that methodologies and teaching strategies must be rethought to motivate and provoke interest in children, in such virtue programming is a resource that allows them to acquire knowledge in a playful and creative way. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the ScratchJr software on the consolidation of spatial notions in 5- and 6-year-old children. The research is quantitative with non-experimental design and descriptive scope; data collection was performed by applying the Boehm Test of Basic Concepts- Third Edition in two phases (pre and post) of the virtual course called "SCRATCH KIDS". The post-test results show the positive incidence of the software within the logical-mathematical field to strengthen the understanding of spatial notions using children's programming learning. It is concluded that the overall average in relation to the values obtained in the pre-test increased 2 points, highlighting that the notions of laterality continue to be the most complex to acquire at this age.KEYWORDS: Programming; childhood education; ScratchJr; mathematical logic; pandemic